Trending Topics

Welcome to the Trending Topics page of the Special Warfare Journal. This section is designed to help U.S. Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) personnel quickly access essential information categorized for easy navigation.

Explore these articles to gain valuable insights into the current state of special operations, learn about innovative approaches and solutions to challenges in the field, and discover new perspectives and ideas that can help shape the future of ARSOF. Each article is readily accessible, and we trust that the knowledge and insights you gain from them will be invaluable in your professional and academic pursuits.

U.S. Army Green Berets assigned to 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) partnered with 6th Ranger Training Battalion students to execute a simulated raid during a training exercise, at Camp Rudder, Florida., Nov. 01, 2023. (U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Craig J. Carter)