Harding Project Banner with logo and army helmet.
The Army’s professional journals are uniquely important. Through open access, the journals inform the Army, share lessons laterally, provide an outlet for thoughtful dissent, allow us to learn from our past, and make us better communicators. At the institutional level, the Army is modernizing the journals through improved accessibility, incorporation into education programs, and an emphasis on embracing the digital age. But these changes are not enough. Leaders must also underwrite reasonable risk for their subordinates who take up the pen and encourage professional writing that improves our Army, even if they have dissenting opinions.
Lt. Col. Zachary Griffiths, U.S. Army
CHASE-ing Excellence in Collection Operations
Filipino troops march in a military parade, ca. 1939. Courtesy of the Associated Press.
Unveiling the Significance of the Army's Training with Industry Program.
A drone with four propellers is flying over a dry, grassy field.