Writer's Guide for Article Submissions
Illustration of the future ARSOF operator in a multi-domain battle.
Special Warfare aims to inform, educate, and bring awareness to the talented, highly effective, and instrumental skill sets of Special Operations Forces.
We welcome submissions of academic work from students, professors, and cadre of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, scholarly, independent research from members of the armed forces, security policy-makers and shapers, defense analysts, academic specialists and civilians from the U.S. and abroad.
Manuscripts should be 500 to 1,500 words in length. Include a cover letter. Submit a complete biography with author contact information (i.e. complete mailing address, telephone, e-mail address).
Manuscripts should be submitted in plain text, double-spaced and in a digital file. Endnotes should accompany works in lieu of embedded footnotes. Please consult The Associated Press Stylebook.
Articles that require security clearance should be cleared by the author’s security manager and public affairs office prior to submission. A memo of the security clearance should be forwarded with the article. If the article talks about a specific theater special operations command, the article will be forwarded to the TSOC for clearance.
Photo and Graphic Submissions
Special Warfare welcomes photo submissions featuring Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, and/or Special Forces Soldiers. Ensure that all photographs are reviewed and released by the unit public affairs officer prior to submission.
Special Warfare accepts high-resolution (200< dpi or 2MB file size) digital photos, in the format of .jpg, .png, .tif, .pdf, and .eps. Be sure to include a caption and photographer’s credit. Do not send photos within PowerPoint slides or Word documents.
Photos, graphics, tables and charts that accompany articles should be submitted in separate files from the manuscript (no embedded graphics).
Submission Review And Publication
All submissions will be reviewed in a timely manner. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we cannot reply to every submission. However, we do review and appreciate every submission. If your content meets the goals and requirements, we will be in touch. There is only one editor on staff and while in-edit or layout phase of the upcoming magazine, new submissions will not be reviewed until complete.
Please note that submitted content is not guaranteed to be published in Special Warfare. There are several factors that determine what content is ultimately published including time and space availability, the approved editorial outline and theme, as well as relevance to the Special Warfare target audience and mission.
Special Warfare reserves the right to edit all contributions. Special Warfare will attempt to afford authors an opportunity to review the final edited version; requests for changes must be received by the given deadline.
No payment or honorarium is authorized for publication of articles or photographs. Material appearing in Special Warfare is considered to be in the public domain and is not protected by copyright unless it is accompanied by the author’s copyright notice. Published works may be reprinted, except where copyrighted, provided credit is given to Special Warfare and the authors.
2024 Themes and Deadlines
Spring 2024:
How ARSOF Fights
(Irregular Warfare and Large-Scale Combat Operations)
Submission deadline: Accepting submissions now.
Summer 2024:
Cyber-Space-SOF Triad
Submission deadline: Feb. 15, 2024
Fall 2024:
SOF Medicine
(Medical, Veterinary, and Dental)
Submission deadline: May 15, 2024
Winter 2024:
Innovation, Modernization, and Partnerships
Submission deadline: Aug. 15, 2024
Commercial: (910) 396-9394
DSN: 239-5703
E-mail: SpecialWarfare@socom.mil
Submit Articles For Consideration To
E-mail: SpecialWarfare@socom.mil
or via regular mail:
Editor, Special Warfare
3004 Ardennes St., Stop A
Fort Liberty, N.C. 28310