Change is Inevitable; Growth is optional
By Laura M. Levering Editor-in-Chief, U.S. Army Signal School
Article published on: April 1, 2024 in the Army Communicator Spring 2024 Edition
Read Time: < 2 mins
Laura M. Levering Editor-in-Chief, U.S. Army Signal School
Greetings, Team Signal!
As I prepared for this edition of the Army Communicator, one word kept coming to mind: change. Few things in life are as constant as change.It's what we do with that change that is up to us.I hope this edition of the Army Communicator enlightens you as much as it has enlightened me.
In January, we announced that the Army Communicator would be changed from being published monthly to a quarterly. We also announced that we would be soliciting articles that support the Harding Project, one of Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George's newest and top priorities. Unsure of what articles would come my way, I am pleased to say the signal community did not disappoint.
Inside this issue, you will find some thoughtfully written pieces that are in line with what the Harding Project aims to do, which includes “strengthen the Army profession” and “foster discussion and debate” by renewing professional military writing. Several of you understood the assignment and followed through. A couple of you might be contacted and your article passed on to higher ranking officials as examples of what a well-written professional article looks like. Some of you might even be a asked to consider joining a peer group. More to follow on that later as details emerge.
As editor of this publication, I was asked to be part of an operational planning team that meets monthly to discuss the Harding Project and the way forward. One of those changes include modernizing the way we receive and read content through the development of a platform that will enable your articles to be published in “real time” versus having to wait until the Army Communicator is released (along with other military professional journals). This supports the intent of being able to exchange ideas and debate on a user-friendly platform.
Like most endeavors, these changes will not happen overnight. But when it does happen, you will be among the first to know if you follow our social media pages and check out the Army Communicator each quarter. Speaking of changes … I would like to know what you think about the Spring Army Communicator. Is there something in particular you like or dislike? Any articles you'd like to respond to? Anything specific you would like to see in the future? Send me your thoughts in a few sentences, and I may be able to add a “Notes to the Editor” section next quarter. This idea actually came from someone here on staff. I would love to share what you have to say - constructive criticism and all.
Looking to next quarter's theme, “training,” consider writing about training/professional military education you've experienced or would like to experience. What has been useful? What needs to change? Keep the articles coming. Spark some dialogue. And in the future, expect to see more changes - for the better
I am here to assist you with “getting the message through!”
Submission guidelines: Articles should be sent in Word document with photos and graphics separate (not embedded in Word). Include a description of each photo/graphic along with the rank, full name, and unit of person who took photos (or created graphic). Acronyms need to be spelled out on first reference, with the abbreviation of the term acceptable on subsequent reference. Summer 2024 theme: Articles related to training. Deadline to turn in submissions: June 14.