Writer's Guide for Article Submissions

A soldier in camouflage uniform kneels on grass, operating a portable military radio communication system. The soldier is speaking into a handset connected to a green ruggedized case. A large antenna array is visible in the background, attached to a nearby building.

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Xiaotong Zhu, a signal support operations specialist with America's First Corps, troubleshoots a TacSat antenna before the start of Yama Sakura 85 in Camp Asaka, Saitama, Japan on Dec. 1, 2023.


Welcome to the Army Communicator Writers Guide. This guide is designed to help new writers contribute effectively to the Army Communicator, the professional journal of the U.S. Army Signal Corps.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit articles as a Word document.
  • Send photos and graphics as separate attachments (not embedded in Word).
  • Include a description of each photo/graphic.
  • Provide the rank, full name, and unit of the person who took photos or created graphics.
  • Spell out acronyms on first reference, with abbreviations acceptable on subsequent references.

Writing Guidelines

  • Align your article with the Chief of Staff of the Army's (CSA) focus areas.
  • Write in an article format, not as an academic paper.
  • Ensure your content is actionable, innovative, and engaging.
  • Add value to the Army's body of knowledge.
  • Consider the quarterly themes provided, but don't let them limit your topics.

Current Theme and Deadline

Fall / Winter 2024 themes: Articles related to Doctrine, Materiel, Regimental Heritage, Harding Project, and Year in Review.

Submission deadline: December 6

Contact Information

For any questions or assistance, please call 706-791-7325.