Writer's Guide for Article Submissions
An M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank assigned to 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, patrols a road at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) at Fort Johnson, Louisiana, March 16, 2024. Four Soldiers manned the M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank, to gain crucial experience supporting light infantry. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Luciano Alcala)
We encourage everyone who has valuable information to share with the Armor and Cavalry community to do so. We include articles written by officers, enlisted soldiers, warrant officers, Department of the Army civilian employees and others. Writers may discuss training, current operations and exercises, doctrine, equipment, history, personal viewpoints (with applicability Army-wide) and other areas of general interest to the Armor and Cavalry community.
Articles should share good ideas and lessons-learned or explore better ways of doing things. They should be concise, straightforward and in the active voice. Articles should be structured with a short, clear purpose sentence as the opening sentence, with the author’s recommendation, conclusion or reason for writing as the bottom-line-up-front (BLUF) in the first or second paragraph. Articles should also answer the question, “Why should Armor and Cavalry officers and soldiers read this article?” at the beginning. They should also follow other Army writing standards and publishing rules; consult DA PAM 600-67, AR 25-30 and DA PAM 25-40, or query the editor in chief.
If the article contains attributable information or quotes, please provide appropriate credit in endnotes.
Article length
We don’t set an upper limit on article length for ARMOR, although articles for eARMOR will, of necessity, need to be concise. For ARMOR, recommended text length is about 3,500 words, but we do allow flexibility shorter or longer. We avoid multipart articles because of the two-month interval between issues.
Book reviews and letters to the editor, however, should average about 750 words. Your readers do not want long dissertations on books – include just enough to get them interested in why they should read the book. The format is title, author, publishing house, location of publishing house, year published, page count and price.
Letters should helpfully focus on Armor subjects and contribute to the Armor School’s mission.
Electronic formats
Our standard word-processing format is Microsoft Word; if you don’t have Word, please save your text as a Rich Text Format file. We can no longer accept articles sent to us “hard-copy”; your article submission must be electronic, as described previously, for us to consider it for publication.
Include photos, if you have them, with captions, and/or diagrams that illustrate information in the article. Please do not include illustrations and photos in the text; instead send each visual aid as a separate file. Do not embed photos in PowerPoint. Save digital photos at a resolution no lower than 300 dpi as a JPG or TIF. Do not send us images copied from a Website or published book, as the former has too low a resolution, and the latter are copyrighted.
Submission of an article to ARMOR relinquishes ownership of the work, as manuscripts become government property upon receipt in ARMOR editorial offices. ARMOR staff will make necessary grammar, syntax and style corrections to bring the manuscript up to Army writing and publication standards, and redesign illustrations and charts for clarity and to standards as necessary. ARMOR staff may coordinate with authors in the interest of ensuring content remains accurate and professionally developmental.
Information released into the public domain via the Internet must have Level II operations security (OPSEC) review as well as Public Affairs clearance. We highly encourage authors to obtain OPSEC clearance by their supporting unit or activity security manager, and Public Affairs clearance by their supporting PAO, as the best judges of sensitive information. If authors cannot obtain these clearances, ARMOR staff will coordinate clearances for them. Authors should submit the names of their supporting OPSEC officer and PAO when they submit their manuscripts to ARMOR. If authors are able to obtain clearances from their supporting OPSEC officer and PAO, their manuscript submission to ARMOR should be accompanied by an OPSEC clearance form. All information in the article must be unclassified, non-sensitive and releasable to the public. A short author biography should also accompany the manuscript. The OPSEC/PA clearance form and bio worksheet are available from the eARMOR Website or by email request to the ARMOR staff.
We cannot guarantee publication of all submitted materials. They are accepted only after a thorough review.
Authors will be notified as soon as their article has been accepted for publication; therefore, it is important to keep us informed of all changes in mailing and email addresses, as well as telephone numbers. As stated, all articles accepted for publication are subjected to style, grammar, syntax, structural and other changes.
Please indicate if your manuscript has been submitted for publication elsewhere. Due to GPO guidelines, we normally do not print articles that have been accepted or published by other Army professional bulletins. We do have a reprint agreement with Infantry, as we are both part of the Maneuver Center of Excellence, but we will coordinate with its editorial offices; authors should not submit manuscripts to both Infantry and ARMOR.
ARMOR articles that contradict or criticize Army or command policy should do so constructively as dialogue toward professional development. Articles may not hold the Army or any of its members up to ridicule; take sides in political issues; hold any race, religion or ethnic group up to ridicule; violate host-country sensitivities; or be written to air personal complaints. If your article does any of these things, we will not accept it for publication in ARMOR.
How to submit manuscripts
Authors interested in submitting an article should ensure these items are part of their submission package:
- Send the manuscript as an email attachment to our submission inbox.
- Send the art (photos, charts, drawings, etc.) with the text as attachments to the email. (Do not embed them in your article except to show relationship to the text.) Include full caption information, including photographer’s name with photos. For the originals or quality reproductions we will use for the printed magazine, we accept photos in “hard copy” if you alert us in your email that these will arrive separately.
- Send biographical information when you submit your article and art. Ask us for a bio worksheet if you need it.
- Include your snail-mail address and daytime phone number.
- Include results of the review by your OPSEC officer or the Information Security Review Office as outlined in Chapter 6, AR 360-1, and Department of Defense Directive 5230.9. If you are unable to obtain OPSEC review, please notify us of this and provide the name of your supporting OPSEC officer.
- Include results of your supporting Public Affairs Office’s security, accuracy, policy and propriety – or SAPP – review and approval/clearance to release the article into the public domain. If you are unable to obtain SAPP review, please notify us of this and provide the name of your supporting PAO.
- We have a form that consolidates both these sign-offs that we prefer you use.
The format we ask:
- Type your article in an 8½ x 11 format.
- Indent paragraphs five spaces or place 6 points of space between each paragraph.
- Number the pages.
If you need to mail something to us, please send to:
ARMOR magazine
McGinnis-Wickam Hall, Suite W-142
1 Karker Street
Fort Moore, GA 31905
Phone: (706) 545-2698 or DSN 835-2698
Reprint policy
ARMOR is published by authority of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, and is in the public domain except where copyright is indicated. ARMOR requests that reprinted material carry credit given to ARMOR and the author.
Direct inquiries to Editor in Chief,
McGinnis-Wickam Hall, Suite W-142
1 Karker Street
Fort Moore, GA 31905
Or by email.