About Armor Journal

A collage of eight covers from the Armor Journal. Each cover displays the title Armor prominently.

The covers of various issues of the "Armor Journal," the official publication for the professional development of Armor Branch soldiers.


ARMOR magazine is the Armor Branch’s professional-development bulletin. ARMOR is published quarterly by the U.S. Army Armor School, McGinnis-Wickam Hall (Bldg. 4), Suite W142, 1 Karker Street, Fort Moore, GA 31905. ARMOR:

  • Provides a forum to assist the Chief of Armor in explaining Army doctrine, policy or other definitive information;
  • Enables the exchange of information and ideas, thereby enhancing mission-related professional dialogue between the Armor School and Armor Branch soldiers;
  • Provides professional development to leaders and Soldiers;
  • Encourages esprit de corps through our Distinctive Unit Insignia series.


As the primary purpose of ARMOR content is the professional development of Armor Branch soldiers, ARMOR focuses on materials for which the Armor School has proponency: armored, direct-fire ground combat systems not serving primarily as infantry carriers; weapons used exclusively in these systems or by CMF 19-series enlisted Soldiers; miscellaneous items of equipment which armored and armored cavalry organizations use exclusively; training for all 19-series officers and CMF 19-series enlisted Soldiers; and information concerning the training, logistics, history and leadership of armor and armored cavalry units at a brigade/regiment level and below, to include threat units at those levels.

Contact Us

Editor in Chief: 706-545-9503

Deputy Editor: 706-545-8701

Covers, Art Support, Tanks of the World Feature: 706-545-5754

Unit Distribution

Distribution is approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. Official distribution is made as one copy for each armored brigade headquarters; armored cavalry regiment headquarters; armor battalion headquarters; armored cavalry squadron headquarters; reconnaissance squadron headquarters; or armored cavalry troop, armor company and motorized brigade headquarters of the U.S. Army.

In addition, Army libraries, Army and DoD schools, HQDA and Army Command staff agencies with responsibility for armored, direct fire, ground combat systems, organizations and training of the personnel for such organizations may request two copies by sending a request to the editor in chief.

To report unit free distribution delivery problems or changes of unit address, email usarmy.moore.tradoc.mbx.armor-magazine@army.mil; phone DSN 835-2698 or commercial (706) 545-2698. Requests to be added to the official distribution list should be in the form of a letter or email to the Editor in Chief.


The information contained in ARMOR represents the professional opinions of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the official Army, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command or U.S. Army Armor School position, nor does it change or supersede any information presented in other official Army publications.

Manuscripts and their accompanying figures become government property and public domain upon receipt in ARMOR editorial offices. (The ideas within the manuscript remain the author’s intellectual property and may be reused by the author, but the work itself — the particular expression of the ideas — passes to public domain upon receipt of the manuscript.)

ARMOR staff will make necessary grammar, syntax and style corrections on the text to meet publication standards and will redesign illustrations and charts for clarity and to standards as necessary. ARMOR staff may coordinate changes with authors in the interest of ensuring that content remains accurate and professionally developmental.

As a non-copyrighted government publication, no copyright is granted if a work is published in ARMOR, and in general, no copyrighted works should be submitted for consideration to publish. On occasion, however, ARMOR may wish to publish copyrighted material, and in that instance, individual authors’ copyrights will be protected by special arrangement.