Writer's Guide for Article Submissions

Soldiers performing life saving treatments during a mock scenario photoshoot.

Lt. Col. Juli Fung-Hayes (center), a U.S. Army Reserve emergency medicine physician with the 2nd Medical Brigade, leads a medic team from the 396th Combat Support Hospital, headquartered at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, through a trauma and critical care scenario in a field hospital during a promotional photo shoot for Army Reserve marketing and recruiting at Fort Hunter Liggett, California, July 18, 2018. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Master Sgt. Michel Sauret)

Submission of Manuscripts to The Pulse of Army Medicine

The Pulse of Army Medicine, United States Army Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE), is published on a rolling publication schedule to support the Harding Project and advance professional military writing and medical discourse across Army medicine. The Pulse integrates effective technologies for user-friendly journals and archives through publication on a web-first, mobile-friendly environment and develops sustainable practices for high-quality content and ongoing engagement. Topics of interest for submission include:

  • Lessons Learned
  • Capabilities
  • Future Trends
  • Advances in practice and battlefield medicine
  • Crosswalks of common competencies and capabilities

Review Policy

Submissions will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief, The Pulse, to determine relevance and appropriateness for publication within 3-5 business days.

Identification of Potential Conflicts of Interest

  1. Related to individual author's commitments: Each author is responsible for full disclosure of previously published content. To prevent ambiguity, authors must state explicitly whether potential conflicts do or do not exist. Authors should do so in the manuscript on a conflict-ofinterest notification section on the title page, providing additional detail, if necessary, in a cover letter accompanying the manuscript. In addition, The Pulse does not accept previously published work or simultaneous submissions. This prevents an overlap of material in like publication with a similar or same audience.
  2. AI Policy

    a. Submissions are subject to existing legal, cybersecurity, information, operational security, and classification policies (ARN41285-PPM, 2024).

    b. All AI generated images/information must be labeled and/or cited appropriately.

Guidelines for Manuscript Submissions

  1. Submit articles electronically as a Microsoft (MS) Word document via email attachment (with illustrations, etc) to (usarmy-medpulse@army.mil).
  2. Original files for Illustrations, graphics, and photos must be sent in their original format, separately from the text file. Please DO NOT submit embedded images.
  3. The American Psychological Association (APA 7th Ed.) governs formatting for submissions. All articles should conform to those guidelines as closely as possible. Abbreviations/acronyms should be limited as much as possible.
  4. Manuscripts should have word counts between 500-1500 with standard 1 inch margins and double-spacing. Body text should be organized into sections and subsections with clear headings and subheadings (APA format) in standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  5. A complete and accurate list of all references cited in the article must be provided with the manuscript:

    a. Reference citations of published articles must include the authors’ surnames and initials, article title, publication title, year of publication, volume, and page numbers.

    b. Reference citations of books must include the authors’ surnames and initials, book title, volume and/or edition if appropriate, place of publication, publisher, year of copyright, and specific page numbers if cited. c. Reference citations for presentations, unpublished papers, conferences, symposia, etc, must include as much identifying information as possible (location, dates, presenters, sponsors, titles).

  6. Supporting graphics can be either black and white or color; however, color produces the best print quality. Avoid excessive use of multiple colors and shading in tables/figures. Digital graphics and photos (PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG) must be press quality (minimum 300 dpi). Please DO NOT send embedded photos.
  7. Authors’ names, ranks or academic/certification credentials, titles, positions, current unit of assignment, and contact information must be included on the title page of the manuscript.

Email Electronic Submissions