About Military Police Professional Bulletin

A collage of eight covers from the Military Police Professional Bulletin. Each cover displays the title Military Police prominently.

The covers of various issues of the "Military Police Professional Bulletin," the official publication for the professional development of Military Police.

Military Police, an official U.S. Army professional bulletin for the Military Police Corps Regiment, contains information about security and mobility support, police operations, and detention operations. The objectives of Military Police are to inform and motivate, increase knowledge, improve performance, and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas. The content does not necessarily reflect the official U.S. Army position and does not change or supersede any information in other U.S. Army publications. Military Police reserves the right to edit material. Articles may be reprinted if credit is given to Military Police and the authors. All photographs are official U.S. Army photographs unless otherwise credited.

Send submissions by e-mail to usarmy.leonardwood.mscoe.mbx.mppb@army.mil. Due to regulatory guidance and limited space per issue, we normally do not publish articles that have been published elsewhere. Please see our writer’s guide for complete details.

Contact Us

Military Police (ISSN 0895-4208) is published annually at the U.S. Army Military Police School, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Correspondence should be addressed to Military Police Professional Bulletin, 14000 MSCoE Loop, Suite 246, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8702 or to usarmy.leonardwood.mscoe.mbx.mppb@army.mil. Please provide a telephone number and complete return address.