Writer's Guide for Article Submissions

A U.S. Army officer in camouflage uniform speaks to an audience from the stage of a chapel. He stands in front of American and military flags, illuminated by warm light.

Incoming Garrison Chaplain Col. James Foster addresses the congregation after his Change of Stole Ceremony, expressing gratitude for his appointment as Garrison Chaplain on Aug. 29, 2024, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Dharyian Christian)

Article types

The Review accepts research articles, articles focused on best practices, and book reviews that explore or enhance the theory and practice of military chaplaincy. Research articles are substantive contributions to the discourse of military chaplaincy. Best practice articles are praxis oriented and provide wisdom from the field and for the field. We do not accept pitches or abstracts. We also do not allow simultaneous submissions. Authors who need to complete a pre-publication review process should do so before submitting.

Submission requirements

Manuscript Format

  • The Review administers a double-blind review process. Your Manuscript File should have identifying information removed.
  • The Review adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
  • Research articles should be 3000-4000 words, including footnotes.
  • Best Practice articles should be 2500-3000 words, including footnotes.
  • Book reviews should be 1000-2000 words.
  • Double space your submission, use 1-inch margins, indent paragraphs, and use Times New Roman 12-point font.

Additional required files Please include a brief cover letter, abstract (100-150 words), and short biography (no more than 80 words) for each author as separate files.

Submit a Manuscript

Editorial and Peer Review Process

The Editoral Board determines whether a manuscript is a good fit for the Review and what changes need to be made prior to the double-blind review process. The Editor communicates with the author about these issues. The Editor sends the manuscript to reviewers for feedback. When feedback is complete, the Editor receives suggestions from reviewers and share them with the contributor with a suspense date for revision. The author returns the revised piece by the suspense date.

Publication details

After a manuscript has gone through peer review and been accepted for publication the Editor works with the author on final copy edits. The Review handles typesetting and layout. The decision to publish, the date of publication, the final content of the piece, the use of paratext (images, charts, graphics, etc.) to accompany a piece, and other related issues are all at the sole discretion of the Review.

Military Chaplaincy Review is an official publication of the U.S. Army. As such, the government owns the rights of articles published in the Review. Unless expressly noted in an article, all articles are works of the U.S. Government and in the public domain. Where copyright is indicated in an article, all further rights are reserved to the article’s author.


An Introduction to the Chicago Manual of Style

A good reference for how to properly cite military publications: Professional Writing: The Command and General Staff College Writing Guide (Student Text 22-2, July 2023)

Chapter 3, Section 1 of this is helpful when you need to use neutral language, acronyms, jargon, abbreviations and specialized terms: Army Publishing Programs and Procedures (DA PAM 25-40, 2024)