The Harding Project:

Strengthening the Profession through a Renewed Emphasis on Military Writing

Article published in: Infantry Fall 2024 Edition

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Paratroopers assigned to 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division conduct a joint air assault operation during Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) Rotation 23-07 at Fort Johnson, LA, on 30 April 2023.

The Harding Project is a Chief of Staff of the Army initiative to revitalize professional military discourse. It is named after MG Edwin “Forrest” Harding, who as a major in the mid-1930s, served as editor of the Infantry Journal and led efforts to stimulate debate and reinvigorate the publication in the interwar years. Now, as the Army again prepares for the battlefields of the future, it is an opportune time to not only encourage professional writing but also renew military journals such as Infantry.

One of the key goals of the project is to modernize these publications. What does that mean for Infantry? We will be transitioning to a “web-first, mobile-friendly” platform. Issues of the magazine will continue to be offered in a PDF format, but we will also soon have html versions of individual articles available for better readability on mobile devices. We will also utilize social media more to promote and distribute these articles.

In addition, we will also begin publishing articles more frequently. Instead of solely releasing quarterly issues, we will also publish individual articles on a routine basis. This will begin later this year.

Another big change for Infantry is the reintroduction of uniformed editors to our staff, something that last occurred more than 40 years ago. Through the Harding Fellowship, a new Army broadening opportunity, fellows will attend graduate school and then serve as editor of their branch’s professional bulletin. Applications for the 2025 fellowship are due 10 September 2024.

To learn more about the Harding Project, visit

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