Engineer and Last Remaining Fort Belvoir USAES Employee Retires

Article published on: January 1, 2024 in the Engineer 2024 Annual Issue

Read Time: < 2 mins

On 31 December 2023, Ms. Virginia (Jennifer) C. Morgan, long-time graphic designer for Engineer, retired with more than 37 years of federal civilian service to the U.S. Army. Ms. Morgan was reportedly the last remaining employee who had made the transition from Fort Belvoir, Virginia, to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, with the U.S. Army Engineer School (USAES) in the late 1980s.

After earning a bachelor of fine arts degree from East Tennessee State University in 1986, Ms. Morgan began her career as a visual information specialist with the Publications Section, Directorate of Training and Doctrine, USAES, at Fort Belvoir. In 1987, Ms. Morgan was transferred to the Bulletin Section of that directorate, where she began serving as the graphic designer for the Engineer professional bulletin; she continued in that capacity through the USAES move from Fort Belvoir to Leonard Wood in 1988 as well as several subsequent reorganizations—the most recent of which involved her employment in the Publications Branch, Doctrine Division, Fielded Force Integration Directorate, U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center of Excellence, Fort Leonard Wood. Over the course of her career, Ms. Morgan designed, compiled, and laid out 115 issues of Engineer. She also helped produce three issues of the Maneuver Support Magazine (from 2008 to 2009). In 2022, Ms. Morgan was reassigned as an editor (printed media) within the Publications Branch.

Ms. Morgan’s efforts and accomplishments have directly influenced the professional development of engineer enlisted Soldiers, noncommissioned officers, warrant officers, commissioned officers, and organizations at every echelon in each of the Army components. She has helped shape the future of the Engineer Regiment and has significantly contributed to the overall readiness of the U.S. Army and our Nation. In recognition of her distinguished and dedicated service, Ms. Morgan has received numerous awards throughout her career, culminating in the de Fleury Medal—Bronze and the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal, both presented to her shortly before her retirement.

Thank you for your commitment and professional excellence, Jennifer! And best wishes in your retirement!