Writer's Guide for Article Submissions

A military helicopter, likely an Apache, sits on a snowy airfield at night. The helicopter is illuminated by its own lights and the lights of a nearby hangar. There is smoke or fog rising around the helicopter.

Aviation crews prepare to move an AH-64 Apache helicopter from the 1st Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment on Ladd Army Airfield at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, as UH-60 Black Hawk and CH-47 Chinook helicopters from the 1st Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regiment prepare for an air assault mission in support of exercise Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center-Alaska 23-02 April 3, 2023. (Army photo/John Pennell)

Articles prepared for Aviation Digest should relate directly to Army aviation or reflect a subject that directly relates to the aviation professional. Submit the article to the Aviation Digest mailbox at usarmy.novosel.avncoe.mbx.aviation-digest@army.mil. Please note that Aviation Digest does not accept previously published work or simultaneous submissions. This prevents an overlap of material in like publications with a similar or same audience.

Please submit articles via MS Word document format. Articles should not exceed 3500 words. Include a brief biography (50 word maximum) with your article. We invite military authors to include years of military service, significant previous assignments, and aircraft qualifications in their biographies.

Aviation Digest editorial style guidelines follow the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 7th edition; however, Digest staff will incorporate all necessary grammar, syntax, and style corrections to the text to meet publication standards and redesign visual materials for clarity, as necessary. These changes may be coordinated with the authors to ensure the content remains accurate and reflects the author’s original thoughts and intent.

Visual materials such as photographs, drawings, charts, or graphs supporting the article should be included as separate enclosures. Please include credits with all photographs. All visual materials should be high-resolution images (preferably set at a resolution of 300 ppi) saved in TIFF or JPEG format. Do not submit Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) or Classified images as they will be rejected.

Non-military authors should submit authorization for Aviation Digest to print their material. This can be an email stating that Aviation Digest has permission to print the submitted article. Additionally, the author should provide a separate comment indicating that there is no copyright restriction on the use of the submitted material.

Write the Editor

Do you have a different perspective on an article published in Aviation Digest? Do you have a suggestion for a topic of discussion? The Aviation Digest editor would love to hear from you! As the Army Aviation Branch's professional bulletin, one of our primary objectives is to provide a process that encourages discussion on important topics within the aviation community. Your opinion counts. To facilitate productive conversations on topics, we need your input. Pick up a pen or grab your keyboard and write us a letter explaining your opinion.

You can send us a letter at:

Army Aviation Digest Editor

Bldg. 4507, Suite 309

Andrews Avenue

Fort Novosel, Alabama 36362


Upcoming publication schedule and Focus Topics

July-September 2024 issue: Aviation Training

Published on or around 15 August 2024

Submissions are closed

October-December 2024 issue: Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Airspace
Published on or around 15 November 2024

Submissions accepted until 01 September 2024

January-March 2025 issue: Sustainment
Published on or around 15 February 2025

Submissions accepted until 01 November 2024

Along with articles corresponding to the listed focus topics, the Aviation Digest is always receptive to letters to the editor, leadership articles, professional book reviews, subjects dealing with the aviation seven core competencies, training center rotation preparation, and other aviation-related articles.

Aviation Digest Book Reviews

Do you have a favorite book on military history or on a professional military reading list that you’d like to share with others in the Army Aviation community? Consider writing a book review for Aviation Digest’s Turning Pages section. We request that the review be one written page (approximately 825 words). Query the Aviation Digest editor through the AD mailbox regarding the book you’d like to share with us. Book review guidelines are available upon request.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone write for Aviation Digest?

Yes! Any topic relating directly to Army aviation or that reflects a subject that can be directly related to the aviation profession is welcome.

Am I limited to writing about topics that Aviation Digest is featuring for current or future issues?

No. You may write about any subject that may be considered important to the aviation community. Topics such as safety, tactics, procedures, or even issues that you may feel have gone unaddressed are welcome.

What if I have something to say, but I am not the greatest writer?

Aviation Digest staff will make necessary grammar, syntax, and style corrections to articles to meet publication standards and redesign visual materials for clarity, as necessary. These changes may be coordinated with the authors to ensure the content remains accurate and reflects the author’s original thoughts and intent.

Can I subscribe to Aviation Digest to make sure I get the most recent issue when it is available?

Yes. If you would like notification of when the most recent issue is published, it is as easy as clicking on the ‘Subscribe Aviation Digest' button. Additionally, you can also go to our Contact page and send us an email requesting to be added to our release notification system.

How do I get a printed copy of Aviation Digest?

Currently, Aviation Digest is approved for electronic publication only. However, if you would like to print a copy of the Digest, all you have to do is open a PDF copy and print it. This also allows you to print only the articles that are interesting to you.

If I have something to add or if I disagree with an article, how do I make my comments known?

We’re are glad you asked! Aviation Digest is intended to facilitate discussion on topics within the aviation community. We welcome constructive criticism and varied perspectives. If you have something to say or want to add to the discussion, go to the Write the Editor page, and click on Army Aviation Digest. Reference the article you wish to comment on, and let us know what you think.

I don't want to receive Aviation Digest anymore. How do I unsubscribe?

We are sorry to lose you as a reader. You can unsubscribe by sending us an e-mail with "Unsubscribe Me" in the subject line of the email.