What's Trending

Welcome to the What's Trending page of the U.S. Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin. This section is designed to help field artillery personnel quickly access essential information, categorized for easy navigation.

Explore these articles to gain valuable insights into the current state of field artillery operations, learn about innovative approaches and solutions to challenges in the field, and discover new perspectives and ideas that can help shape the future of our branch. Each article is readily accessible, and we trust that the knowledge and insights you gain will be invaluable in your professional and academic pursuits.

Soldiers sitting in a large room around a giant map on the floor listen to a presentation.

Soldiers of the 35th Infantry Division and 230th Sustainment Brigade receive an orientation briefing at the start of the 230th’s command post exercise which took place in Chattanooga, Tennessee June 2-13. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. First Class Shannon Ball, 230th Sustainment Brigade)