About Army Lawyer Journal
The covers of various issues of Army Lawyer, the official publication for the professional development of Army Lawyer soldiers.
The Army Lawyer (ISSN 0364-1287, USPS 490-330) is a Professional Bulletin published six times a year by Headquarters, Department of the Army, under the auspices of The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of education and performance in legal responsibilities.
The opinions expressed by the authors in the articles do not necessarily reflect the view of the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, The Judge Advocate General’s Corps, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, or any other governmental or non-governmental agency. Information presented in this Professional Bulletin does not change or supersede information presented in other official Army publications. Masculine or feminine pronouns appearing in this pamphlet refer to both genders unless the context indicates another use.
The Editorial Board evaluates all material submitted for publication, the decisions of which are subject to final approval by the Dean, The Judge Advocate General’s School, U.S. Army.
Unless expressly noted in an article, all articles are works of the U.S. Government in which no copyright subsists. Where copyright is indicated in an article, all further rights are reserved to the article’s author. No compensation can be paid for articles.
The Army Lawyer may make necessary revisions or deletions without prior permission of the author. An author is responsible for the accuracy of the author’s work, including citations and endnotes.
The Army Lawyer articles are indexed in the Index to Legal Periodicals, the Current Law Index, the Legal Resources Index, and the Index to U.S. Government Periodicals. The Army Lawyer is also available in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps electronic reference library and can be accessed at https://tjaglcs.army.mil/tal.